ࡱ> VXU R<bjbj2Rxx^  UUUUUiii8$ix$!|EUUU4:UU\igFP0"$""U$"  : Proposal for 2015 NSFC/ICTP GrantsActivityNumber of CandidatesHigh Energy PhysicsTwo Months Study Visit 2*Ngvf[/g 2smr2729 18 - 29 MayFirst ICTP Advanced School on Cosmology3smr2727 15 - 26 JuneSummer School on Particle Physics3smr2732 23 - 27 NovemberSeventh International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC3Condensed Matter / Statistical Physics and Related FieldsTwo Months Study Visit 2*Ngvf[/g 2smr2704 21 May - 20 JuneSpring College on the Physics of Complex Systems3smr2708 6 - 10 JulyWorkshop on Interacting Fermions: Precision Theory and Experiment3smr2705 10 - 21 AugustSchool and Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems - Novel Materials and Novel Theories3smr2710 24 August - 1 SeptemberConference on Frontiers of Nanoscience3smr2706 7 - 25 SeptemberSchool in Computational Condensed Matter Physics: From Atomistic Simulations to Universal Model Hamiltonians3smr2707 5 - 9 OctoberConference on Water at the Interface between Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science3MathematicsTwo Months Study Visit 2*Ngvf[/g 2smr2749 20 July - 7 AugustSchool and Conference on Dynamical Systems3smr2750 24 August - 4 SeptemberSchool and Workshop on Geometry of Discrete Ac "F       " p x 4 z |   Ѥўۅ|u|u|o hCJhvICJo(hvIhvICJh745CJo(hBn<hBn<CJhBn<CJo( hBn<CJ hM{CJhM{hM{CJh8NCJo(hM{CJo(h8Nh8NCJho@CJo(hSYhvCJo(hSYhv5CJo(hL5CJ$aJ$o(h,%hv5CJ$aJ$o(*FXWK d$Ifgd.9kd$$IfTl       0 $& t0    644 lapT $$Ifa$gd.9$XD2YD2a$gdvxi$d$Ifa$gd.9 d$Ifgd.9{kd$$IfTl        J!  t 0    644 lap T" r v sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgd8Nkd\$$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapTv x sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdM{kd$$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT " sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdBn<kd$$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT 4 sg d$Ifgd.9kd$$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT4 6 z ~ xi$d$Ifa$gd.9 d$Ifgd.9{kd8$$IfTl        J!  t 0    644 lap T~ sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdvIkd$$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapT  # e g sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgdkd$$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapT  d h o q s t u v .269:;KLUVcdmntu|~>@bdfjƿƸƯ啿hSYhv5CJo(hZtCJo( hA`CJhjehvCJo(hA`hA`CJo(hA`hA`CJh,tCJo(hA`CJo(h,th,tCJh~_h~_CJh~_CJo( hCJhSYhvCJo(hhCJhCJo(3g h sjaU $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgd~_ $IfgdkdK$$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapT /1sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgd~_kd$$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapT12LsjaU $$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdA` $Ifgd,tkd$$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapTdhsjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdA`kdp$$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapThjsg d$Ifgd.9kd' $$IfTl        0 $& t0    644 lapTsd$d$Ifa$gd.9$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd.9{kd $$IfTl        J!  t 0    644 lap TZbpt8 88 8$8<8>8888:9J9N9P9T9b9f9v9x9::::::::l;ƽƽƫƏxh gCJo(h gh gCJhNXCJo(hNXhNXCJhSYhv5CJo(h:tgCJo(h:tgh:tgCJUhvCJo(hvhvCJhC*CJo( hC*CJho@CJo(hvCJKHOJQJ^JhvCJo( hvCJhSYhvCJo(/\`sjaR$d$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdL $Ifgdvkd $$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT`b 88sjaU $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgd $Ifgdvkd: $$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapTtions3smr2751 21 September - 2 OctoberSchool and Workshop on Complex Analysis, Geometry and Dynamics3Earth SciencesTwo Months Study Visit 2*Ngvf[/g P'Ylyf[W 2smr2715 27 April - 8 MayThird Workshop on Water Resources in Developing Countries: Planning and Management in the face of Hydroclimatological Extremes and Variability3smr2718 13 - 17 JulyWorkshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Modelling and Projection3smr2722 2 - 6 NovemberConference on Future of Earth-Space Science and Education3smr2716 16 - 20 NovemberICTP Workshop on Past and Future Climate Shifts3DN188V888sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgd:tgkd $$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT888sg d$Ifgd.9kd $$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT88N9R9xi$d$Ifa$gd.9 d$Ifgd.9{kd_$$IfTl        J!  t 0    644 lap TR9T99::sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $IfgdNXkd$$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT:::n;r;pgg[ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgd gkd$$IfTl       0 $& t0    644 lapytNXTr;t;;<<sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgdkdx$$IfTl       0 $& t0    644 lapTl;t;;;<<,<0<4<6<8<:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ļhC*h5hC*o(hqawjhqawUhvhPlo( hvo(hmjhmjCJhmjCJo( hmjCJhhCJhCJo( hCJhSYhvCJo(<<R<<<sjj^ $$Ifa$gd.9 $Ifgdmjkd/$$IfTl       <0 $& t0    644 lapT<<<<<<<<<<<<snnllllllllgdvkd$$IfTl       0 $& t0    644 lapT <<<<<gdv$a$gd50182P. 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