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This could include:Sustainable design of offshore layout and choice of technology (which is scalable), i.e. HVAC / DC or frequency and voltage levels including choice of site, layout, optimal cable routing to minimise environmental impact and maximise benefit to the arrayWorkable and scalable power collection to grid with low environmental impactTechnology integration, system and control strategy (co-ordinated)Use of modelling tools simplified array planning and optimisation toolsNew converter topologyThis research will enable offshore renewables to be developed more quickly and on a larger scale, with minimum environmental impact whilst creating skilled jobs. It should also help to improve design of offshore power networks and connections to shore and ultimately reduce Chinas dependence on fossil fuels.Integrated offshore natural resource systemsThis challenge centres on device to array scale use of natural resources, from an ecosystems services perspective, to produce electricity from installation to operation and maintenance. This could include:Appropriate technologies for innovative combined power generation (e.g. wind, wave and PV)Strategy for integration / co-location with food resource provision (e.g. wave / wind energy and aquaculture or desalination)Balanced generating technology, operation, distribution for efficiency (and effectiveness)Cost / benefit to aid local economic developmentMoorings and installationSupport vessels and onshore facilitiesHydrodynamic modellingDemonstration of integrated ecosystems servicesThis research will showcase the potential of this technology to provide stable power supply for island and coastal communities, for example, particularly in China, but also for UK offshore island communities.High efficiency ORE-to-wire design with scaled modellingThis challenge concerns the use of modelling tools to optimise energy production from wind and wave devices and arrays, whilst also considering ocean dynamics and the effect of arrays on the coastline. This could include:Modelling tools for ORE systems (numerical and physical) to optimise wave wind devices or arraysConsider mechanism of maximum energy absorptionSystematic matching between energy absorbed and power-take-off (PTO)Improved reliability of power converters for OREInfluence of marine energy extraction on ocean dynamicsEffects on sediment transport, coastal erosion and deposition.This research will help bring understanding of the kinetic energy of the resource for ORE systems, under different conditions between UK and China. All of which will move UK and China closer towards a low carbon economy.Building resilience against extreme events into ORE systems This challenge will consider the failure mechanisms for ORE structures under extreme conditions and how to build in resilience to mitigate these. This could include:Design guidance for earthquake, typhoon and hurricane areas extreme event characterisation (using existing data) tidal surges, rogue waves, low flying aircraft etc Sub-structure design guidance in complex soft soils (including soft soil characterisation, engineering geology / geotechnical classification of the substrate, sediment mobility, etc.)Model approaches for floating installations response to extremes and comparison to fixed structures,Risk based identification of failure mechanisms (including cabling implications, moorings and anchoring systems) leading to guidance on foundations / mooring choices, etc.Coupled response modelling (including mooring, seabed, fixed structure, fluid (SPH / CFD), platform response, blade dynamics, etc.)Potential for protection of infrastructure / assets as result of array proximity to coastThis research will help to understand and reduce the risk of extreme events thereby encouraging sustainable development of ORE systems. It may also help to kick-start floating design methods and assess suitability of current standards and methods.Natural resource characterisation to support development of large ORE arraysThis challenge will use resource modelling and forecasting to improve power yield forecasting of an array. This could include:Baseline characterisation and modelling of the wind and wave resource: Spatial and temporal variability of resource, analysis of existing data, climate variability data, remote sensing as well as atmospheric / weather / climate / ocean modelling, etc.Reduce resource uncertainty for large arrays - Physical modelling to support design from calculation of extreme loadingDetermining environmental limits and system carrying capacity for ORE systemsAccommodating geophysical and ecological changeMulti-scale modelling frameworkImproved forecasting of power yieldsMethodology for local / regional environmental characterisationResource optimisation in relation to the rest of the gridThis research will help to re | f{*e )((((((((((((ƾhjhUhkhkmH sH U hk\hfP4hk5\hfP4hk\h;C hSo(h2hSCJOJQJaJh2h;CCJOJQJaJo("h2h;C5CJOJQJaJo($ | & p !;by & FWd^`Wgdk & FWd^`Wgdk & F7^7`gdkgdkgdSgdPz{#h*w/B e & F Vd^`Vgdkdgdk & FWd^`Wgdk & F7^7`gdkgdkX[((((((((((((gdgdkgdk d^gdk & F Wd^`Wgdkduce the uncertainty in resource and thus the potential power produced, whilst identifying and informing ORE system build sites. This research could underpin other aspects of ORE development, both engineering and policy.6182P:pe. 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