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For publications with more than 20 authors, an "et al." reference can be used. Where known project employees completed their medical studies in Austria, the corresponding CV must indicate the curriculum (Studienplan: N, O, Q, etc.) in which the degree was earned; see also the current version of "Personnel Costs and Salaries Graduates of Medical Studies in Austria" at h"68@bv~T b     0 ¯žŽ¯Ž~¯o_o_o_o_Jo_)jh=eh=e0JOJQJUmH sH h=eh=e5OJQJmH sH h=eh=eOJQJmH sH hh>*OJQJmH sH hh5OJQJmH sH !hOJQJmH nHo(sH tH$hhOJQJmH nHsH tHhhOJQJmH sH hhmH nHo(sH tHhjymH nHo(sH tH"hVhV5mH nHo(sH tH  6$d^a$gd=e$ & Fhd^`a$gd=e$a$gd=e & Fd<<7$8$H$gd=e & Fd7$8$H$gd=e d<<gd=egd$a$gdgdjygdV0 a u   '6TZ񽭛}lO9hd*h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH!jhd*h=e0JCJUaJhhbNOJQJmH sH hhOJQJmH sH "h=eh=e56OJQJmH sH h=eh=e6OJQJmH sH h=eh=eOJQJmH sH )jh=eh=e0JOJQJUmH sH h=eh=e5OJQJmH sH h=eh=eOJQJmH sH defhiklnoqrstgd=ed7$8$H$gd=eZ[%0defgijlmopstǸxvYUMUMUMUMU>hhbNOJQJmH sH jhUh9hd*h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tHU?hd*h=e6B*CJOJQJ]^JaJmH nHphsH tHhd*h=eCJaJmH sH !jhd*h=e0JCJUaJhd*h=eCJaJmH sH 9hd*h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH6h=eB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHo(phsH tHttp://www.fwf.ac.at/fileadmin/files/Dokumente/Personalkostensaetze/personnelcosts-2014-medicine.pdf0182P. 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