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While funding for researchers in Singapore and China will ultimately be provided separately by their respective Governments, the key to success in the call will be the identification of a programme of work which is of high scientific quality and truly collaborative.Only one Chinese researcher and one Singapore researcher are allowed to participate as Principal Investigators (PIs) in one application of this joint call. Co-PIs/collaborators may participate in the project but will not be funded by it. Masters, PhD students and post-doctoral fellows may participate in the project and be funded by it, but will not serve as PIs.The Foundations have agreed that project proposals will be written, submitted and assessed as a single, unified proposal which describes a full programme of work in both countries. All proposals must be written in English. This will be submitted to NSFC by the Chinese PI and to NRF by the Singapore PI. The Chinese PI is also required to submit an identical Chinese-language proposal to NSFC besides afore-mentioned English proposal. Projects should last 36 months.The joint call is open to proposals in the field of emerging infectious disease research. Singapore PI EligibilityPIs from publicly funded Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Research Institutions (RIs) in Singapore are eligible to participate in the call.Lead PIs at the point of application must fulfil the following requirements:Hold a primary (defined as a minimum commitment of nine (9) months per year) appointment in a local publicly funded institution;Have a laboratory or research programme that carries out research in Singapore;Be an independent PI with a track record of leadership ability in coordinating research programmes and providing mentorship to research team, as well as having productive research outcomes; andNo outstanding reports from other national grants.Only research work conducted in Singapore may be funded by NRF.R&D proposals already funded by other government agencies would not be considered for funding under this joint grant call. PIs will need to declare their other funding sources during the application.GRANT AND FUNDING SUPPORT FOR PROJECTS This call for proposals provides funding support to Singapore researchers for joint research for a period of three (3) years:Funding support for each project is capped at a total funding quantum of SGD500,000/-, inclusive of overheads and equipment; and Any equipment purchase over SGD100,000/- should be clearly specified in the proposal and proper justification given for the need to purchase.When budgeting for funding under this joint research programme, the total cost of the proposals includes all approved direct costs and overheads. All expenditures should be budgeted inclusive of any applicable Goods and Services Taxes (GST) at the prevailing rates. Budget items are categorised as direct or indirect cost items. Direct costs are defined as the incremental cost required to execute the programme. This excludes contributions in-kind, existing equipment and the cost of existing manpower as well as building cost. Indirect costs are expenses incurred by the research activity in the form of space, support personnel, administrative and facilities expenses.Any direct cost charged to the grant must be reasonable and for the proposed research activities of the programme. Supportable direct costs can be classified into the following three cost categories:-Expenditure on manpower (EOM);Expenditure on new equipment; andOther operating expenses (OOE). NRF will support 100 percent of the approved qualifying direct costs of a project for Singapore-based IHLs and RIs. In terms of indirect costs, funding support of up to 20 percent of the total qualifying approved direct costs will only be provided for Singapore-based IHLs. Host institutions will be responsible for administering and managing the support provided by NRF for the indirect costs of research.Indirect costs are meant to defray costs for administration (e.g., personnel, finance, IT, library, etc.), space, utilities and other general operating costs incurred by an R&D organization in support of the funded project activities. Please refer to the Annex A for the NRF Competitive Research Programme Terms and Conditions. NRFs decision on the funding support to be awarded for each project is final.NRF will disburse funds to the Singapore PI half-yearly on reimbursement basis. Only items specified in the approved budget will be funded by the NRF. APPLICATION, ASSESSMENT PROCESS AND AWARDSingapore applicants together with their Chinese counterparts will need to prepare a single, unified proposal, in English, which describes a full programme of work in both countries. The full proposal is to be submitted to NSFC by the Chinese PI (accompanied by an identical Chinese-language proposal), and submitted to NRF, through the Research, Innovation and Technology Approval (RITA) system, by the Singapore PI by 5 August 2016, 4pm (Singapore time). As part of the application process, the Singapore PI is required to complete and submit the NRF Budget Template which describes the full budget to be funded in Singapore as a separate document to the main proposal. The document to be downloaded shall be in the format Annex - NRF Budget Template.Projects should demonstrate a potential pathway towards application and have a clear statement to substantiate an impact. Where possible, industry partners should be engaged in the early stages of research and those that have industry interest may be more favourably considered. The Singapore PI is also required to obtain and submit a letter of endorsement by the respective Host Institutions Office of Research or its equivalent as a separate document to the main proposal. The document shall be titled in the format Annex Letter of Endorsement by Host Institution.The Singapore PI is expected to be actively involved in the overall management of the programme in Singapore and be accountable for the programme and its deliverables. All Co-PIs and collaborators listed as members of the research team are expected to be actively involved in the research activities of the programme, even though this may be in varying degrees.All projected output and achievements of the proposed research is expected to be commensurate with the level of funding being requested. NRF may require proposals to be revised or combined as it deems fit to enhance research outcomes, facilitate integration of research concepts and technologies, and optimise funding resources.AssessmentThe proposals will be reviewed by NRF and NSFC in accordance with the agreed evaluation procedure by both Foundations. Following basic checks on receipt by the Foundations, each proposal will be sent out to anonymous reviewers for comments. PIs may provide the names of up to three (3) experts to whom the Foundations should not send proposals to for review. A project will be funded only if both Foundations are agreeable.Details of all grants currently held or being applied for by the Singapore PIs, who are expected to receive funding from NRF under the joint research programme, in related areas of work must be declared. Failure to do so may render the application invalid.NRF shall not be liable for the release of information concerning proposals to third parties by individuals involved in the evaluation process. Should circumstances arise, NRF reserves the right to modify the review process. Applicants will be notified of any relevant modification to the review procedure. Notification of awards will be sent to the respective Singapore Host Institutions named in the proposal and copied to the Singapore Lead PI. The decision on approval of full proposals to be awarded funding is final.Letter of Award Successful Singapore applicants will be informed by NRF. Notifications of awards in the form of a Letter of Award will be sent to the Director of Research for the respective Singapore Lead PIs host institutions and copied to the Singapore Lead PI. The letter of award should include the following:Form of Acceptance; Schedules and Budget Details; Performance Indicators and Milestones; Guidelines on Managing a Grant and Terms and ConditionsAcceptance FormThe Acceptance Form must be acknowledged by all of the following: the Director of Research (or equivalent); andthe Singapore Lead PI; andthe Co-PIs and collaborators Upon acceptance of the NRF grant, the Singapore Lead PI and the respective Host Institution are bound by the Terms and Conditions in the Letter of Award. The Singapore Lead PI cannot also be the authorised officer representing the Host Institution. In such cases, another officer duly authorised by the management of the Host Institution shall approve on its behalf. The Acceptance Form should be returned to NRF within a pre-determined time frame from the date of the Letter of Award. This should be returned together with detailed schedules and the budget phasing, including research milestones and Key Performance Indicators. The official Start Date and End Date of the research project must be clearly stated in the Letter of Award.MATTERS TO RESOLVE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH RESEARCHResearch Collaborative Agreements (RCA)The Institutions shall enter into the collaboration agreement with the Chinese partners before commencing the collaboration in respect of any part of the Research. Please note that the Chinese PI is also required to submit a collaborative agreement with the Singaporean PI as an attached file during submission stage. All agreements with Collaborators must conform to the Collaborator Guidelines specified in Appendix to Annex A of the Terms and Conditions of the NRF Competitive Research Programme (CRP). Annex B Details of Grant Application The description of the research project should be submitted in PDF format. It is to be no more than 30 pages, must be create using word processing software without any protection and not be a scanned document. The aforesaid maximum number of pages is understood ALL INCLUSIVE, and NO appendices will be accepted. A page layout is recommended that allows the document to be read comfortably (i.e. A4 page, Times 11 fonts or equivalent, single spacing, 2cm margins, pages numbering). There is NO TEMPLATE for the research project description document. However, any document should contain the following information: Header: acronym for the full proposal and FULL TITLE of the proposal Table of contentsSummary of the project (no more than 4,000 characters) Summary table of the people involved in the projectSummary table of the budget, and milestones of the project Context, positioning, and objective of the proposal (5 to 10 pages) This section will allow for an evaluation in relation to the first criterion, namely scientific excellence and/or innovative nature for technological research. Provide an overview of the issue being addressed. Describe the projects objectives and the scientific and technical barriers that need to be overcome. Emphasise the ambitious and/or innovative nature of the proposal. Describe any end products that will be developed and the expected results. Describe the state of knowledge for the topic. Point out any contributions the partners may have made to this state of the art. Show any preliminary results. If relevant, describe the context of the project by presenting, depending on the objectives in the project, an analysis of the social, economic, regulatory, environmental, industrial and other issues at stake. Specify how the project stands in relation to competing, complementary or past research projects, patents, standards, etc. In the case of project proposals that are a continuation of a project that was previously funded by the NRF (continuation project), provide a detailed assessment of the results obtained thus far and clearly describe the new issues that have come to light and the new objectives that have been set. Situate the project at a national level (indicate if there is a link with any regional/national structure or platform), if appropriate. Scientific and technical programme; organisation structure of the project (10 to 15 pages) This section will allow for an evaluation in relation to the second criterion (projects structure and feasibility). Describe the scientific programme and explain the rationale for its breakdown into tasks consistent with the objectives set. Describe the following for each task: objectives; possible indicators of success; leader and partners involved; detailed work programme; deliverables; the partners contribution (who does what); technical choices and methods; risks and backup solutions envisaged. If deemed necessary, the timetable for the various tasks and their dependencies can be presented as a graphic, using a Gantt chart or the like. If applicable, demonstrate the relationship between the relevant scientific fields and the synergy of the areas of expertise that will come into play. For research projects involving aspects that could be harmful to humans, animals and/or the environment, discuss the ethical dimensions of the project. Provide a partner-by-partner scientific and technical rationale for the grant being requested (as per the information entered on the submission website), broken down by the main expense items (excluding overheads). If applicable, describe the conditions under which a very large research infrastructure could be accessed. A short version of the scientific coordinators and partners curriculum vitae may be useful in this section. Strategy for technology transfer, protection and use of the results; overall impact of the proposal (1 to 2 pages) This section will allow for an evaluation in relation to the third criterion (overall impact of the project). Specify scientific communication activities, ways in which scientific and technical culture will be promoted (communication with other scientific communities, the general public and so on), contributions to the content of higher education courses, the technological transfer of the expected results, by describing the broad outlines of the means for protecting and using the results, the scientific, technical, industrial, economic consequences. Also indicate, if applicable, the projects relevance to the industrial strategy of the projects corporate partners, any other impact (e.g. standardisation, providing information to government authorities, etc.), timelines and nature of the expected technical and economic benefits, possible impact on employment and/or the creation of new businesses, etc. Bibliographical references ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Some of the key criteria include: Relevance of the application to the aims and scope defined in the call, including the significance of the problem; Quality, including scientific excellence and technological novelty; Impact, including potential benefit for scientific breakthroughs or disruption, or opportunities to address global challenges, or opportunities for translation and exploitation of results; and Implementation, including competencies of the research team, complementarity of the expertise of the research team (both Chinese and Singapore), value for money, quality of project management, and is the aims and objectives are achievable within the proposed timeframe.  Industry collaborators will not be eligible to receive any public funding for their participation in the project but must contribute to the proposal. 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